Our night time visitor

We get many night time visitors to our yard ranging from cane toads, huntsman spiders and geckoes to tawny frog mouths and brush tail possums, not all of these visitors are welcome especially the cane toads. Recently our night time visitor has been a brush tail possum, sometimes with her baby in tow but often she is alone and her presence riles our dogs more than any gecko or cane toad. The brush tail is one of the more common possums we see and also one of the largest, their grunting can set the dogs off in seconds and should they decide to take up residence in your roof, it will take a professional (more often than not) to capture and release them.

I love seeing these furry native animals so close, last night my husband held the torch so that I could try and get a few photos of the possum, thankfully she stuck around for a while – possibly frozen in fear. Our dogs were extremely interested, Bundy sat in the garden at the base of the fence, watching and Maxi found the perfect spot on the lawn, they stayed outside for some time, watching and waiting. Eventually the dogs tired of being on possum watch and Bundy turned his obsession back to the little creature hiding out in the retaining wall.

The common Brush Tail Possum
The common Brush Tail Possum up a gum tree
Possum sitting on fence
Up close and personal, possum watching us, watching her
Possum on fence with tail dangling down
Possum teasing Bundy with dangling tail
Bundy watching possum
Bundy patiently watching, waiting…
Maxi watching possum from her favourite spot
Maxi watching possum from her favourite spot
Bundy sitting on the bed
Bundy relaxing after a night of possum watching






19 thoughts on “Our night time visitor

  1. travelingwithlyn.com November 4, 2013 / 10:06 pm

    They sure are cute but I don’t want them in my house. My Buddy would not settle and neither would I

    • twoblackdoggies November 5, 2013 / 8:01 am

      We don’t want them in our house either, so glad that they seem to have a home in the bush land next door, can just imagine the sleepless nights if they were in our roof.

  2. janaline's world journey November 4, 2013 / 11:56 pm

    Ah, she looks so cute!! I have never seen one in the wild before, but they do look so sweet,

    • twoblackdoggies November 5, 2013 / 8:03 am

      She is very cute and last night mother and child made an appearance on the fence, cute x 10!

      • twoblackdoggies November 12, 2013 / 7:39 am

        It is guaranteed to put a smile on most people’s face 🙂

  3. This Sydney Life November 5, 2013 / 7:46 am

    Bella goes nuts at the first sign of a possum, too…

    • twoblackdoggies November 5, 2013 / 8:04 am

      They really do tempt fate by sitting on the top of the fence, Bundy can be extremely patient and will sit under that tree for a couple of hours.

  4. giselzitrone November 5, 2013 / 9:46 pm

    Schöne Bilder wünsche einen schönen Tag lieber Gruß Gislinde

  5. Sheila November 9, 2013 / 1:18 pm

    Hahah – I love the one of Bundy patiently waiting! All we have in our yard are rabbits and a black cat for entertainment.

    • twoblackdoggies November 10, 2013 / 6:49 am

      That little fella can wait for hours although he has been distracted of late by an unknown little creature living in our garden retaining wall 🙂

      We’re not allowed rabbits in Queensland so I would find them quite entertaining.

      • Sheila November 11, 2013 / 5:53 am

        I love to watch them hopping around out there but they also like to torture the dog by hopping around right where she can see them. 🙂

      • twoblackdoggies November 12, 2013 / 7:39 am

        Me too and the teasing seems to be a popular past time for many native animals, we have birds that taunt the dogs regularly 🙂

  6. megtraveling November 10, 2013 / 11:27 pm

    I’ve never seen one of them before and I think your dogs were very well behaved!

    • twoblackdoggies November 12, 2013 / 7:37 am

      Then you are in a treat when you visit Australia, these little guys are quite common 🙂

      The dogs were well behaved, they make lots of noise initially and then it is a game of watch the possum.

  7. restlessjo November 17, 2013 / 8:07 am

    Wonderful to be so close to nature, Sam 🙂

    • twoblackdoggies November 19, 2013 / 7:30 am

      So true Jo, I do love the visits we get from our local wildlife 🙂

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